2019 Shanghai University Recruitment Fair in Sydney and Singapore
2019-07-16 16:08:00

  As a member university designated by the national “211 Project”, Shanghai University is  jointly  sponsored  by  the  Ministry  of  Education,  Shanghai  Municipal  People’s Government  and  the  State  Administration  of  Science,  Technology  and  Industry  for National Defense. Shanghai University is also listed by MOU in its “Double-First Class” initiative.



University of Technology Sydney

15th October 16:00-19:00

National University of Singapore

19th October 1500-18:00


Registration Details

You are welcome to scan the code below to sign up. Our consultant will read your resume in advance, and we are looking forward to seeing you on scene.

Contact: Mr. Song

Telephone number/Wechat:

(+86)138 1067 6453

Contact of Talent Office


Telephone Number:



Subject Area

  Shanghai  University  has  a  complete  range  of  programs  ,including  philosophy, economics,  law,  literature,  history,  science,  engineering,  management  and  arts. Currently, Shanghai University has  26  schools,  1  academic  department  (under preparation) and 2 university-run departments. There are 82 undergraduate programs, 42  master  degree  programs  in  first-class  discipline,  2  master  degree  programs  in second-class  discipline  (uncovered  by  first-class  discipline),  15  master  degree categories,  24  doctoral  degree  programs  in  first-class  discipline,  2  doctoral  degree programs  in  second-class  discipline,  8  interdisciplinary  doctoral  programs,  and  19 postdoctoral research centers. Moreover, the university leads construction of 2 Type IV peak  disciplines  in  Shanghai,  and  has  4  national  key  disciplines,  4  Type  III  peak disciplines at the municipal level, 10 Type I plateau disciplines at the municipal level, and 7 Type II plateau disciplines at the municipal level. It has 7 disciplines among the top 1% of ESI rankings.


  According  to  the  policy  for  attracting  internationalized  talents,  Shanghai  University seeks to provide green channels for recruiting talents. Shanghai University focuses on first-class  basic  disciplines  construction  program  and  frontier  and  key  disciplines cultivation program, so as to establish itself as a high-level university with world-leading disciplines.

  The applicants for the following requirements are warmly welcomed:

  (1)Professors from internationally renowned universities, with high academic attainments and certain international influence in this field.            

  (2) Associate Professor of International Famous Universities, Head of R&D Department of Famous Multinational Companies, etc.            

  (3)Assistant Professor, Postdoctoral and Ph.D. Graduates from internationally renowned universities.            

  Schools will provide competitive salaries, research funding and housing subsidies.


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